NeTEx Regional

NeTEx regional is a set of NeTEx feeds of high quality. These feeds contain all data present in GTFS Regional, as well as additional data which can’t be represented in GTFS.

What does this dataset contain?

This dataset contains high quality detailed data, both static and real-time, in the NeTEx format. Each dataset contains data for a specific region or operator.

Data format

The data is in the NeTEx (Network and Timetable Exchange) format. This is a format in which all European operators have to publish their data. The data is aimed at both operator-to-traveller communication and internal communication between different organizations.

How often is this dataset updated?

The static data in this dataset is updated on a daily basis, typically between 03:00 and 07:00.

Which operators are covered by this dataset?

The following table shows which operators are covered by this dataset.

New! Realtime and vehicle position data is available for Jönköpings Länstrafik starting June 3rd 2024.
OperatorAbbreviationStatic dataReal-time dataVehicle positionsOccupancy data
Blekingetrafiken (Blekinge län)blekinge✔️
Dalatrafik (Dalarnas län)dt✔️✔️✔️
DinTur (Västernorrlands län)dintur✔️
Gotlands kollektivtrafik (Gotlands län)gotland✔️
Hallandstrafiken (Hallands län)halland✔️
JLT (Jönköpings län)jlt✔️✔️✔️
Kalmar länstrafik (Kalmar län)klt✔️✔️✔️
Kronobergs länstrafik (Kronobergs län)krono✔️✔️✔️
Länstrafiken Jämtlandjamtland✔️
Länstrafiken Norrbottennorrbotten✔️
Länstrafiken Västerbottenvasterbotten✔️🕒🕒
Länstrafiken Örebroorebro✔️✔️✔️
Skånetrafiken (Skåne län)skane✔️✔️✔️✔️
SL (Stockholms län)sl✔️✔️✔️
Sörmlandstrafiken (Södermanlands län)sormland✔️
UL (Uppsala län)ul✔️✔️✔️
VL (Västmanlands län)vastmanland✔️✔️✔️
Värmlandstrafik & Karlstadbuss (Värmlands län)varm✔️✔️✔️
Västtrafik (Västra götalands län)vt✔️
X-Trafik (Gävleborgs län)xt✔️✔️✔️
Östgötatrafiken (Östergötlands län)otraf✔️✔️✔️✔️
BT bussbtbuss✔️
Bussbolaget Östergötlandbussost✔️
Destination Gotlanddg✔️
Ressel Rederiressel✔️
Roslagens sjötrafikroslagen✔️
SJ, Tågab, Snälltågetsj✔️
Sjöstadstrafiken (Stockholm Stad)sjostadstrafiken✔️
Stavsnäs båttaxibattaxi✔️
Strömma Turism & Sjöfart ABstromma✔️
TJF Smalspårettjf✔️
Uddevalla Turism ABuddevalla✔️

How often does the data format changes? Do breaking changes happen?

This dataset has the stable status. This means that the fields can be added without prior warning, but when changes to existing fields are made, you will get three months to update your implementations.