Savea ticket api lancering

During Trainhack on 25-27 October, Savea launched an open sales API for operators using the company’s booking platform.

Savea provides a booking platform and currently has mainly express bus companies as customers. By opening up opportunities for anyone to integrate their ticket sales into other services, Savea sees opportunities to reach out to new audiences and through new channels.

Those selling Sava tickets are offered a commission of SEK 10 000 per 500 tickets sold (for each express bus operator). The API is available through Trafiklab and the API key from Trafiklab is used to “track” the sales and enable payment of the commission.

The API provides information on available departures and fares. The sales transaction where the customer provides payment details takes place on a website provided by SAVEA. This allows for simple integrations without the need for security solutions or sales agreements.