Using GTFS Files

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What is GTFS?

The General Transit Feed Specification is a file format which originally was developed by Google in 2006. It combines all the data in one compact file. This means you can download a single file to get timetable information for the entirety of Sweden. The GTFS Standard consists of 2 parts: static and real-time data. In the following sections, we will help you to get started with both.

How does GTFS Work?

A GTFS file is a zip archive that contains several *.txt files. You can compare this archive file with a database. The files inside the archive contain Comma Separated Values (CSV) data, meaning they are easy to read, both for computers and humans. Each file contains all the instances of a certain type, just like a database table. For example, one file contains all the routes, another file contains all the stops. The files are linked together through ids, similar to how foreign keys work in a database. The image below gives an idea of the structure.

The structure of a GTFS dataset

When should I use GTFS?

A dataset like GTFS is the opposite of an API like ResRobot. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. When you want to create a simple app, or let users search for the next departure from your website, an API is easier to use. However, when you want to analyze data, an API would need millions of requests compared to a single GTFS file that has all the data.

Well suited forNot so suited for
Analysing (real-time) transport dataQuickly getting the next departures from a stop
Building your own route-planner or APIQuickly calculating a route from A to B
Getting a list of all public transport stop-areas for an operator or a countryProjects where large files (>25MB) can’t be used
Getting the live position of all public transport vehicles
There are hundreds of libraries, examples and demos for GTFS. You can find some at and

GTFS at Trafiklab

At Trafiklab, we offer two GTFS feeds. The first is GTFS Sverige 2, which includes information for entire Sweden. We also offer GTFS Regional, which consists of multiple GTFS feeds, each of which covers an operator in Sweden. You can see the difference between those two feeds below.

GTFS Sverige 2GTFS Regional
Geographical coverage100%50%
Transit coverage100%92%
Data qualityAverage qualityHighest quality
Real-time dataOnly static dataStatic + Real-time + GPS positions
Historical data (static)Since 2012Not available

You can find the complete GTFS reference at

You can find the complete GTFS-RT reference at