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You need an account in order to create projects. Haven’t created an account yet? Get started here.

Creating a project

After logging in, you will be re-directed to your projects page where you can create your very first project. In order to do this, hit the purple “New project” button in the top right corner and fill in a cool name, project type and a short description of your next project. You can also add optional information like website and open-source repository. Press the save button.

If you need to edit any of the details at a later stage you simply click the edit button in the top right corner.

After creating your project, you can start adding API keys. Select which APIs you want to use in the dropdown list and click the “Add API key to project” button. Don’t worry if you’re still unsure about which ones you need - you can come back and add or delete keys and other setting anytime you need.

Screenshot of the API picking screen

Projects with multiple users

You can add or remove users to a project by contacting the Trafiklab team at [email protected]

At the bottom of the page you will see all users connected to the project. A user can have one out of three different Access Rights:

  • Read Only: User has permission to access project content but cannot make any changes
  • Read/Write: User has same allowance as Read Only user with added permission to modify and change content, e.g. API keys
  • Project Owner: User has same allowance as Read/Write user with added permission to delete a project and handle project members